Traditional power seen in Saudi stay Symbol () Dress - Sakai Tanaka

[Women jewelry]. The real reason that Muslim women hide the hair ...

Traditional power seen in Saudi stay Symbol () Dress - Sakai Tanaka Muslim woman is hiding a line of hair and body in such as hijab (scarf). A look at this and [have been deprived of their liberty] [are suppressed] We are apt to think. Is it really so? Why she we hide? It is [beautiful things] hair and skin So there, the beautiful part is because the thing should be [show only important person]. [Loved ones] and my husband, and men of relatives, such as father. The Islamic There is a word [women jewelry]. Women are those noble and beautiful like a jewel, its beauty should not be shown to an unspecified number of men, important people (husband and father) is all that is only to show to. Let's start with the verses of which is the original of the hijab [Koran]. Basis of the Koran [beautiful part is hide] The scriptures Koran, written as [(woman) beautiful part is hide]. "There is no part on how you are out on the outside, but the other beautiful thing about as not show it to people. To put the cover on the chest "(Koran chapters and sections) This [where they exit to the outside] is, usually has been interpreted as a [hands and face.

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