Traditional power seen in Saudi stay Symbol () Dress - Sakai Tanaka

Charm full! That the five should be doing in the Holy Land in Jerusalem

Traditional power seen in Saudi stay Symbol () Dress - Sakai Tanaka Jerusalem Judaism, Christianity, known as the Holy Land of three religions of Islam. Sometimes the old town centered on East Jerusalem has been registered as a World Heritage Site, is where the pilgrims travelers visiting from all over the world. Not only can experience the depth of some sort of euphoria and history that are in the holy place, religion is, the faith ... and will be a lot of thoughts around the journey. It is [dangerous image] is preceded often, but than I thought I personally felt like a good security. Because the people who speak English are often communication is to not struggle until there, only people who are looking together even when we know not the way, was full of very attractive city. I am in Istanbul transfer of Turkey, was Jerusalem containing over a period of about 0 minutes in the omnibus taxi from Israel's Ben Gurion Airport. Probably I think that it is the most popular way to get to Jerusalem (since there is no direct flight from Japan requires a transfer in neighboring countries).

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