Traditional power seen in Saudi stay Symbol () Dress - Sakai Tanaka

Junior high school social geography / religion and people - Wikibooks

Traditional power seen in Saudi stay Symbol () Dress - Sakai Tanaka Religion is affecting the people of the world In many countries of the world, some religion is faith. Events (event) and, like also the habits of food, clothing and shelter, there is the influence of religion. In Japan of our country, Shinto (Shinto) and Buddhism (Buddhism) is faith. It is to be noted that the Shinto is a religion of old is dedicated to the Japan of God, such as shrines, on the other hand, because Buddhism is in a different religion that has been introduced from foreign countries, so as not to make a mistake. Impact on Japan of Buddhism, had an impact, such as the temples and Buddhist statues. Sometimes [Japanese is non-religion. Although there are Japanese to the assertion that, in fact, in Japan, traditional events and such as to the impact of religion is strong customs, simply [only Japanese is unaware of faith. ]Will. World Religion and ethnic religious In the world, there are a variety of religions. Among them, the number of believe that believers are often religion is Christianity and Islam and the religion of One of Buddhism (Buddhism).

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